What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of 4:12 Collective based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.


1. Through scripture-based teaching
2. Through prayer
3. With a kingdom mindset
4. Finding/equipping  your spiritual gifts


1. Empower leaders to walk in their calling and gifts
2. Empower team members and each other


1. Eliminate denominational, generational, and physical boundaries in
the church
2. Partnering with kingdom-minded churches


1. Creating an atmosphere that is undeniably God
2. Creating an atmosphere of freedom
3. Holy Spirit led services/teachings
4. Worshipping in Spirit and Truth

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